Top 7 Ways to Achieve an Hourglass Figure

If there ever was a common dream for all women, that would be to possess an hourglass figure. Women admire other women who have great bodies and they also want to achieve something similar however most people who have amazing figures have worked really hard to acquire them. Hence, it is automatic that you should do whatever it takes to get the perfect body for yourself as well. In order to get a slimmer waistline, you can do a combination of good exercise, diet and waist training. Try to incorporate these factors in your life and you will be happier with your achievements.

So what does it take to get an hourglass figure? Well, thank your lucky stars if you were born with it but if not you should study your body type first. Since there are 4 categories when it comes to body types, chances are you belong in one. Logically, you will need to have a different exercise regimen to achieve an hourglass shape if you have a pyramid body compared to a woman with a rectangular body frame.

I am pleased to share seven of the most effective exercise regimens you can do to attain a body that is close to a perfect hourglass shape. Have a look at these and be ready to learn a few fascinating things.

1.Choose the Exercise Best Suited to Your Body Type

Hourglass –The perception is that hourglass figures are soft yet firm. This should be your goal. Burn those fats in your midsection so your beautiful figure will be emphasized. All you have to do is cardio exercises frequently, preferably 3 times a week.

Rectangle –Now if you happen to own a body with a rectangle shape, you are recommended to redefine your figure which is possible with intense cardio workout per week. If you can concentrate on exercises that target the core area, you will have a tinier waist in no time.

Pyramid –Since your top is smaller than your bottom body, you need to balance it out by focusing on torso workouts. It is important for your lower body to be toned and slim so it will give the illusion of an hourglass figure.

Cone – Similar to the pyramid, your body can be redefined by balancing your upper body and lower body. You should do cardio exercises, Pilates and Yoga.

2. Commit to a Workout Program

It’s no secret that you need to engage in some kind of regular physical activity to achieve or maintain a slender figure. No exercise yields results overnight and you can’t expect your body to remain the same even as you get older. We are encouraging you and we are putting emphasis on the importance of a good workout program. You can consult a gym trainer or personal fitness expert first so that you can choose among the exercise regimen that they will introduce to you. You have to like the program for you to do it for the long term.

Not everybody loves Yoga and not all women would gravitate to Zumba. Remember that there is a workout program fit for your individual and unique needs. You just have to find it first. You can try jogging for starters and as you explore the different physical activities, you can engage in sports, cross-fit, swimming or any other workout that suits your lifestyle.

3. Strengthen Your Body

Women are not commonly recognized for their physical strength but with the proper weight training workout, they are capable of so many things. You have plenty of options on how to strengthen your body especially your core and one of these exercises is planking. It is difficult to do at first but you will get the hang of it. In addition, you can use weight machines where you work out in order to tone your muscles.

4. Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises are fun to do because you can feel your body becoming more energetic. You can try jogging, playing sports or other more intense workouts so you will get your heart pumping and perspire profusely. A regular cardio workout is beneficial to your physical body as well as your mental serenity.

5. Different Kinds of Dancing

Almost everyone enjoys dancing and the good thing about this activity is it can be a form of cardio exercise. Pole dancing, zumba, belly dancing and other forms of dance are great to try with your friends because it is enjoyable and at the same time, it will burn your fats. You can incorporate dancing in your exercise routine to spice it up. When you are having fun, you are less likely to give up on exercise. With belly dancing, getting an hourglass figure will be all the more possible!

If you feel a little more adventurous, you can try the showgirl dancing because you will be daring yourself to perform sexy dance moves. These moves will strengthen your abdominal muscles and will give you a firm and sexy stomach. Have you seen burlesque dancers with awesome hourglass figures? With practice, you will not only have a similar figure; you will also enjoy dancing even in the comforts of your own home. Embrace the pinup model persona of the 50s by wearing waist trainers or corsets and dance ‘til you drop.

6. Incorporate Proper Diet

An attractive hourglass figure is within reach if you exercise and incorporate a healthy diet in your lifestyle. A food plan which consist mostly vegetables, fruits and fishes will be your secret to success. Don’t worry because you can still eat some of the cakes or pastries you want as long as you don’t eat them often and only indulge with small portions.

In the past, people did have better figures unlike today when many of us are prone to overeating. There is even the rising case of obesity in the country. If we only go back to our basic diet and eat healthy everyday, we will have better bodies and much more energetic selves.

7. Try Waist Training Today

You could consider waist training an ancient practice because it has been used by many women in the past centuries in the form of corsets. You can use the modern counterpart today which is the waist trainer. This method, when combined with exercise and diet, can surely give you the figure that will be the envy of your peers. Many celebrities in the international entertainment scene have tried waist training and they have proven to themselves how effective it is. As soon as you wear the trainer, you will instantly lose a few inches off your waistline. Moreover, with constant use, you can look forward to an hourglass figure perfect for your body type.

There you go! Those are the 7 wonderful ways that you can incorporate in your life so you can achieve a beautiful body. As is known to all, it's very hard to insist on anything. So you need excellent methods to accelerate your success. The same thing applies to waist training, and 7 Steps to Slimmer and Fabulous Waist will help you out.

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